Making a Meaningful Difference

Our Commitment to Community

Giving back to the community is at the heart of vcfo. Through vcfogives®, we engage in impactful initiatives that support diverse causes and bring positive change to those in need.

Our Vision and Goals

Giving back to the community is foundational to vcfo’s DNA. We engage with organizations supporting initiatives important to many of our team members. From providing necessities to low-income seniors to books for children to supporting rescue animals, vcfo quietly makes an impactful difference in various ways.

vcfogives Adopt a Senior 2023-op

Make a Positive Difference

Make an impactful difference for as many participants as possible within our community.

vcfo partners with the Austin Retirement Center for an annual “Adopt a Senior” program to ensure that all residents receive gifts during the holiday season.

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Engage Employees and Partners

Provide a venue for our employees and partners to engage in giving.

Each year, vcfo makes a charitable contribution to Honor Flight – an organization dedicated to transporting as many United States military veterans as possible to see the memorials of the respective war they fought in Washington, DC, at no cost to the veterans.


Set an Example

Encourage others to participate in giving by setting a strong example.

The vcfo Austin team is very involved with BookSpring, whose programs build literacy skills and the motivation to read through increasing home libraries and reading aloud activities for children.

Financial Goals


In the current fiscal year, vcfogives® has a goal of $125K in charitable contributions

By 2026

Achieve a $250K annual giving budget.

By 2032

Reach $1 million in annual giving through vcfogives®.

Formalizing Our Commitment to Giving

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Team Input

We regularly solicit input from the team through the year for new opportunities for service. All of our offices have input. Employees and partners are invited to participate together in our volunteer service initiatives such as Dress for Success and Bookspring. 
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Recurring Financial Gifts

Our vcfogives® program includes recurring monthly and annual financial gifts to various non-profit organizations. These contributions consistently support initiatives aligned with our values.
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Event Support

We actively support vcfo team members participating in charitable events that are meaningful to them. This can be a sports team sponsorship or a supporting sponsor table for a key event such as the annual Heart Association luncheon.  We also make in kind donations of our services, enabling our team to engage directly with the causes they care about in their area of expertise.
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Board and Committee Service

vcfo team members serve on more than 20 Austin area non-profit boards and committees. This involvement allows us to contribute our expertise and resources to help these organizations thrive.
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Dedicated Office Space and Resources

We contribute dedicated office space and resources as well as the use of our conference rooms and AV equipment to support non-profit organizations. This provision of physical and logistical support ensures these groups can focus on their mission without the burden of additional overhead costs.

Reflecting Our Values

Giving is an integral part of our culture. The vcfogives® program consolidates our charitable activities and encourages team participation in community service.

Success story
“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.”
BookSpring/Overton Elementary
Success story
“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.”
Boy Scouts of America Capital Area Council (Austin)
Success story
“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.”
Ronald McDonald House Charities Central Texas (Austin)

Encouraging Participation within vcfo

Event Participation

Event Participation

Team members and partners are invited to attend and participate in events such as reading books to elementary students, participating in charitable bike rides, and playing in charity golf tournaments and skeet shoots.
Holiday Donations

Holiday Donations

Years ago, we stopped giving calories out as Christmas gifts and instead make significant contributions in appreciation of our clients, staff, and partners.  Employees nominate and then vote on nonprofit beneficiaries for holiday donations.

Pay it Forward

The “Pay it Forward” program is one of the most cherished initiatives at vcfo. Every holiday season, each vcfo employee receives a $100 gift card with a single purpose: to perform a random act of kindness. Here are some heartwarming examples of how our team has embraced this program:

I've been waiting for the right moment to Pay it Forward. Today, I gave the gift card to the founder of a Facebook group called "Helping Hands for RRISD" where teachers post their classroom needs (used/new tangible items and acts of service). The gift card will be used in a giveaway for a teacher in need.

I have chosen to Pay it Forward to the San Antonio Zoo, which has taken a real hit due to covid (like many other zoos across the world). They have a Road to Recover fundraiser drive that allows for contributors to receive a paving brick at the zoo.

Some of the Organizations We Support
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Our CEO’s Message

“Giving back to the community has been a core value for vcfo since its inception 29 years ago. Over the years, our initiatives coalesced into vcfogives®. We support a number of events throughout the year that could be better described as marketing spend.  When we talk about giving, we are focused on giving time and money directly to groups that need it to do their important work in the community. This direct and focused giving is what we house under vcfogives®.”

Ellen Wood,